TOP ビール[地域別] / Beer アメリカ アドロイトセオリー / Adroit Theory Il Libro Di Cagliostro (Ghost CAGLIOSTRO)

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アドロイトセオリー / Adroit Theory Il Libro Di Cagliostro (Ghost CAGLIOSTRO)
アドロイトセオリー / Adroit Theory Il Libro Di Cagliostro (Ghost CAGLIOSTRO)

アドロイトセオリー / Adroit Theory Il Libro Di Cagliostro (Ghost CAGLIOSTRO)

残り 1 本!


【Area】 アメリカ・バージニア
【Style】 Belgium Tripel with Black Current
【ABV】 10%
【ML】 473

Brewed as with mostly Pilsner Malt and a dash of Aromatic Malt, this brew is all about showcasing the mash up: Belgian Yeast and Black Currants. Pours a bright red color from the currants meeting the amberish tripel Belgian base with some white head. Nose is familiar Belgian esters and the introduction of the essence of currants. Flavor is complex yet delicious: Belgian Carmel and Candi flavors play with the currants to create a delicate yet crushable offering. Beware, the 10% ABV is well masked.⁠ *Currant Puree added during fermentation, so the flavor is subtle tart finish.

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